About the Conference: Paying hommage to the work of Foteini Vlachou (1975-2017), this conference aims to discuss the concept of periphery while focusing on the geographic and thematic areas that have been neglected by traditional and/or canonical art history. It seeks to push the discussion towards the understanding of the periphery as plural, historical and changeable, focusing on the non-linearity of cultural processes and historical time, and the non-universality of the artistic canons.
Keynote speakers: – Béatrice Joyeux-Prunel – Terry Smith
16 MARCH, 18:15 ROUND TABLE: Presentation and discussion of Foteini Vlachou’s book The Disappointed Writer (2019). Chair: Mariana Pinto dos Santos (IHA) With Terry Smith, Béatrice Joyeux-Prunel, Joana Cunha Leal, Alicia Miguélez, Eleonora Vratskidou Programme: https://artintheperipheryconference.weebly.com/programme.html